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Tiswell Glory Distinguished Brand of
Anointing Oils


Anointing Oils

the Anointing Oil in Golden Bottles!

Glory Balm of Gilead

Tiswell Balm of Gilead is a 50 ml golden bottle blended as a healing oil to help everyone who requires healing to receive a touch from the Anointing. Dominant essence is Clove, Sandalwood and a host of other fragrances, that gives an invigorating aroma. Use with faith believing, that there is indeed a balm in Gilead; Jesus Christ, who heals all manner of diseases.

The Balm of Gilead Anointing Oil can be dabbed on with your prayer needs. The Balm of Gilead Oil is divinely blended with biblical recommended essential oils such as Frankincense and Myrrh, and prayed upon for your healing needs.

Use it with faith with healing verses for, such as : "Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise,"  Jeremiah 17:14  or “By his stripes I am Healed and by His chastisement I am made whole” and if its emotional you can prayerfully say,  “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  Isaiah 41:10

There is no affliction, diseases, torment that Jesus the healer cannot heal. God is still doing miracles every day; "Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven." ~ James 5:14-15


Glory Anointing Oils Biblically Blended Infused with Faith & Prayer

Glory Oil of Favor

Oil of favor is a blend of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and other biblical essential oils. Dominant oil here is the Calamus oil to provide an uplifting aroma that springs forth the Divine Covering of favor. Comes in 10 ml golden roll-on bottle, infused with the goodness of the Anointing Oil.

Rolled on with personal prayer or the prayer on the package, the Oil of Favor provides a refreshing aroma that radiates the favor of God and causes God’s face to shine on you like the favor Queen Esther received from God and the King despite the great opposition from the enemies of God.

Favor is an important influence in the life of every human. Especially in the life of every believer in Christ. Through the Favor of God, we find favor in our endeavors. There could be opposition to finding favor but as the Anointing breaks the yoke, the domination or oppression, and all that is contrary to Favor is removed out of the way for Gods promise in Psalm 5:12 to be established through His Will for you, “For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.”


The Power of the Anointing oil lies in your faith and in the divine power of the Anointing to make a difference in every situation that may confront us.  Every Olive oil blended is in line with the Will and Divine Instructions, and used by faith in God is an absolute game changer.

Glory Oil of Gladness

Oil of Gladness Oil is a blend of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and other biblical essential oils. Dominant oil here is the Champaka oil to provide an uplifting aroma that springs forth Divine gladness or joy.

Comes in 20 ml golden square bottle, infused with the goodness of the Anointing Oil.

Gladness of heart and rejoicing in the Lord is what God desires and has planned for us. The yokes and burdens of the world often makes it difficult to maintain a gladness of heart.

Dabbed on with your personal prayer or the prayer on the package, the Oil of Gladness provides a refreshing aroma that radiates the gladness of God like the joy God gave King David despite all hostilities.

“You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions.” As you hold on to this scripture in Psalm 45:7 and anoint yourself with the Oil of gladness and pray in faith with the prayer on the package, your whole being will be filled with divine gladness, that brings you peace, that surpasses all understanding.


Prayerfully Blended, Scripture Themed Anointing Oils for your faith needs in accordance with bible directives, made with the finest essential oils.

Glory Three Fold Oil

When God is the third cord in a holy matrimony, that union is bound to endure all manner of challenges.

Tiswell three fold Glory Anointing Oil comes in a 50 ml elegant golden gourd bottles filled with rich assortments of romance essences aromatically blended with floral fragrances such as the Red rose and Amber romance. Adding the third personality to your union is prudent, for a three fold cord cannot easily be broken. Dab the Three Fold Oil on prayerfully for a divine involvement in your marriage.

Dabbed on with your personal prayer, the Three fold Anointing Oil provides a beautiful aroma that radiates the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. The peace of God is necessary for the success, longevity and enjoyment of every holy marriage.

The Three Fold Oil is prayerfully merged with a cocktail of well sented fragrances sucha as the Red rose, amber romance. It derives its name from the scriptures in Eccl. 4:12b “and a threefold cord is not quickly broken”.

Both spouses can use as often as they desire with prayer and praise for unity and peace.


In line with our vision and in pursuance with our commitment, we specially blend each category of our oils with specific prayers packaged in faith to you.


We hope you will use Tiswell Glory Anointing Oils with Faith to achieve your desired results or simply enjoy the refreshing aroma infused in each bottle.

God bless you!

Carry the Anointing with you!

Use with Faith